The Weyland Corporation was founded with one sole objective, to change our market, building a better world for Human Health.


Government / R&D mission statement.

We facilitate and develop new to market pharmaceutical and consumer healthcare products for Government bodies and National Healthcare, this includes food and supplement products. Our portfolio has grown and is continuing to expand.

Private access facilities for the consumer sector

At Weyland Corporation we are intimately aware within the fitness industry, particularly in supporting the correction of systematic internal Hormone / Vitamin/ Mineral / Amino Acid deficiencies. If you’re an individual that is faced with possible hormonal deficiencies, you could be prescribed additional anabolic/hormone replacement therapy under private healthcare. If you believe you have a hormonal deficiency, you have the right to investigations and treatment, even while continuing to live your lifestyle either as a serving Police officer, Civil Servant, or perhaps a security guard, Healthcare Professional, fitness model, bodybuilding professional, or while undergoing physical rehabilitation or exploring anti-aging lifestyle changes.

Pursuing a healthy lifestyle or any career, personal hobbies or interests in health improvement, while for example also seeking hormone replacement therapy, due to a legitimate deficiency, is not grounds for discrimination. You have the right to be healthy and obtain at least some degree of return to quality of life. We at the Weyland Corporation are here to remove the frequent obstacles that both Men and Women of the general public face today, making sure you get what works for you, if you are indeed a candidate for hormone replacement therapy following a consultation under Weyland Corporation.

We are in the process of rolling out clinics across the nation, offering a myriad of potential innovative treatment / therapy options to both Men and Women for hormone replacement and or addressing nutritional deficiencies. With your cooperation, Weyland Corp can provide you with the opportunity to engage with a qualified specialist, eg an Endocrinologist, and we will work with your GP to examine and investigate possible hormone treatment options that you could be a candidate for in order to aid in treating or resolving the symptoms and or deficiencies you may be experiencing. Our objective is to assist you in regaining your quality of life and preventing any additional health impairment that can occur from you not being given treatment for a legitimate and identified hormonal or nutritional deficiency.


A significant challenge in the consumer industry is the issue of counterfeit goods entering our supply chain, placing monumental risk to consumers and public health at large. Counterfeit Vitamins, minerals, foods, and medicinal products, among other things, are frequently marketed to customers online whilst presenting themselves as genuine goods. All of this without any legitimate standing and infrastructure in place to demonstrate their sourcing and supply process.

The market demands transparency, consumers deserve transparency and above all people want transparency.

In the supplement sector, we accept the average consumer unfortunately does not know or would not know, that there are companies today which are not sourcing their product ingredients from safe regulated / recognised channels. Instead, these bad actors can predominantly source low cost, poor quality or artificial substitutes like Vitamins, Minerals, Foods and Pharmaceutical substances etc. Unfortunately, as it stands in today’s current climate, items available in the market today have been identified as counterfeit, with the help of authorities carrying out raids and tests on the confiscated goods, verifying that they have been made using unsafe material, furthermore in certain cases confirming that it was purchased from an unauthorised and unregulated source, this is in fact a global challenge for many countries. Opportunists acting in bad faith who are solely seeking to obtain financial profits, will opt to do this due of the allure of significantly lower costs and their ability to reduce the changes of repercussion by concealing their true identity online. All whilst wilfully and negligently ignoring the damage and risks it poses to the end user’s health and the public at large, not to mention financial loss of the purchaser.

These items are subsequently packed, labelled, and inserted into supply chains what are then sold to individuals without any legitimate certification or accurate ingredient names confirming the substance and its form. In actuality, intake or usage of these items can have a further negative effect on the body, the end user instinctively begins to wonder if something else is wrong with them, without realising the problem is who they sourced their goods from.

Weyland Corporation only employs regulated channels in line with UK Government guidelines and legislation. Pharmaceutical companies are also required to do this. Our labelling declares exactly what is contained within our products, measurement & dosages are calculated during manufacturing, ensuring correct chemical names of substances are used to identify their accurate form and true source, additionally that our items are not under dosed or over dosed to stand by information presented on the labelling of our products.


Security and Protection systems

Each Weyland Corporation product is traceable anywhere in the world and is protected by our own proprietary Anti Counterfeit product verification system. Our Anticounterfeit verification portal is accessible to anyone at any time on our site.

This in place to ensure confidence when sourcing our products from anywhere. Confidence for distributors, confidence for retailers, confidence for customers, confidence for our entire market.